Online Privacy and Security in Healthcare: What You Need to Know

An image of a doctor’s stethoscope on a laptop to signify tracking technologies and the risk of patient data breaches.

Web privacy and security are critical concerns for healthcare organizations and consumers – that’s nothing new. However, the introduction of new regulations around tracking tools and consumer targeting means that protecting sensitive data is more complex than ever. At a recent event hosted by KC Health Communicators, AJ Templin, Digital Marketing Manager, shared essential information for anyone trying to ensure their online privacy and security measures are up to date.

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Smart Media Buying in a Presidential Election Year

Collage of media screensExecuting a successful advertising strategy – one that helps your organization maintain share of voice in a presidential election year – is no easy challenge. As political campaigns heat up over the summer into fall, it is essential to consider how political ad spending will impact, or should we say dominate, the advertising ecosystem you’re competing in.

Between 2020 and 2024, U.S. digital political ad spending has surged by more than 156 percent. Your digital spending needs to be surging at the same time. Why? Because digital programmatic media is driving the health market right now…

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Win the Battle for Share of Voice and Market Share Growth

For hospital advertising, it takes more than creative concepts to produce long-term results. Especially now, as hospitals resume and reshape their 2020 advertising plans in the wake of monumental disruption, strategy remains a crucial part of the equation. As studies have shown, share of voice feeds market share, and market share feeds profitability.

Moving the needle in the right direction requires a smart, strategic approach to hospital advertising — and to be strategic, you need data that go beyond dollars and cents. For instance, you may know what your competitors are spending on total ad buys, but do you know what, specifically, those ads are communicating? What spaces are they claiming in your market, and which top drivers are they successfully tapping into? The answers to those questions and more illuminate your opportunities for elevated positioning…

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Programmatic Media Buying: The Smarter Way to Reach Your Target Audience

As a healthcare marketer, how well do you know the online habits of your target audience? For example, are they more likely to visit websites about gardening, sporting goods or fashion? What news sites do they read, and which social media outlets get most of their attention?

Maybe you already have those answers, maybe you don’t. Either way, how will that information drive your media plan? Savvy marketers understand that today’s targeting options have evolved far beyond site-specific media buying, the traditional method of casting a wide net across a narrow field of websites where you most expect to find your targets. Now you have programmatic media in your toolkit – the smarter way to reach target audiences wherever they live, work and play online…

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Healthcare Marketing & the Sandwich Generation

The Sandwich Generation comprises Gen Xers and Boomers who are providing care and support for parents as well as children/teens.

My mom, my daughter and me on Mother’s Day 2015

Like most wives and mothers, I have a say in all healthcare decisions for my husband, my teenager, and myself – but my influence doesn’t end there. As my 80-something mother becomes increasingly reliant on loved ones to take the reins for her well-being, I now play a role in her healthcare choices as well. This makes me a member of the “Sandwich Generation,” tasked with caring for a parent as well as a dependent…

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Healthcare Marketers: Develop a Digital Content Strategy to Enhance Your Online Presence

ProTips-#2This week in our Healthcare Branding Series, let’s focus on the importance of digital content strategies.

The meteoric rise of the internet, social networks and mobile browsing has changed how healthcare consumers seek out information. For healthcare marketers to reach audiences with meaningful, helpful information when and where people are looking for it, it’s critical to have a content strategy. Besides providing information consumers want and need, your online content should aim to boost search engine optimization (SEO) and enhance the user experience by providing answers to questions people are asking…

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Going Viral in Healthcare Marketing

Going ViralGoing viral…it’s the holy grail of modern-day mass marketing. How do you breathe enough life into your content for it to touch thousands or even millions of people beyond your reach? It’s not easy, but it does become easier if you know what you’re doing before you start production. Follow these five tips to boost your marketing content into the hallowed halls of virality:

Researchers have identified some common denominators when studying emotions evoked in highly viral content:…

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Healthcare Marketers: Expand Your Reach with Online Videos

In our last blog post, we discussed the importance of giving patients what they want to see on your healthcare provider website. As you plan your content strategies, think about the rapidly growing reach of online videos. They’re an effective way to build your brand by engaging your audience.

Check out these related insights from a health consumer study by Google and OTX:…

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Healthcare Websites: Giving Patients What They Want

So…what do you think of our new website? We hope you like it as much as we do, because if we don’t provide a helpful, informative and visually appealing experience while you’re here, then we’re just wasting space, plain and simple.

This is especially true for hospital and physician practice websites. These sites should be current, easily accessible resources for the eight in 10 internet users who seek health information online, but generally speaking, they’re not. Studies show many of today’s provider websites are mediocre at best. Why? Because these patient-facing sites don’t offer much when it comes to patient-friendly, patient-focused information…

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